All businesses and organisations to successfully succeed and survive into today’s World need to effectively prepare and manage Risk. PR consulting with its in house Consultants have years of operational experience of dealing and managing effectively real time incidents, be these potential life threatening scenarios, crisis management to providing the support around your infrastructure and people should such an incident arise.
One of the most difficult scenarios or investigations to undertake is dealing with a real or believed real time kidnap with a ransom or similar type of demand. Our consultants have many years’ experience of actually dealing with these type of offences both in the UK and abroad. From initial communication to the safe release of the hostage and/ or payment of any ransom, PR Consulting can provide the vital support and advice, particularly in the early stages right through to its conclusion. Our consultants are specially trained and accredited after attending and passing national police courses in the management of kidnap and extortion offences.
Critical to surviving any form of business disruption is an effective tried and tested regularly Business Continuity Plan, particularly in the immediate and initial stages. This provides resilience and prioritises what actions and by whom should the plan have to be actioned. PR Consulting have Consultants who have years of experience in all aspects of BCP, from writing and implementing the strategy, to writing the plan, testing it fully, to providing recommendations and advice. This is based on analysing your business and the critical infrastructure that supports it, including testing or constructing existing BCP. All BCP plans require regular review, updating and developing-the very best plans are those that are tested for real as it is at that point any weakness in them is identified. With our knowledge and experience we would look to attempt to eliminate that occurring as far as possible.
This is very dependent on the type of crisis or major incident that has occurred. PR Consulting have the added value in that our consultants have experienced dealing with crisis or major incidents. These incidents, similar to BCP’s, require detailed prior planning so that should the unexpected crisis or major incident occur, a proportionate, realistic and adequate response can be made. Again planning is crucial, be it a terrorist attack, a major systems failure, contamination incident or product recall etc. We can work with your management team to support this in providing adequate and realistic scenario training, testing your response and ensuring that adequate planning and preparation have been put in place to minimise the potential disruption to your business.
PR Consulting can provide valuable and professional assistance specific to any given incident or problem. Our consultants are trained and experienced in problem solving with many years of operational experience dealing with complex and difficult challenging situations. The early stages of any incident is when trusted resources are needed to support your management team in dealing and resolving any given incident. Contact us if you need this service.